Urban parks are public spaces of cultural, social and environmental importance, for this reason they have been conserved over time, despite the growth of cities. In the historic center of Xalapa, Veracruz, there are three urban parks and one in its proximity, the oldest is the Miguel Hidalgo Park dating from 1886, the most recent Bicentennial Park inaugurated in 1992. The environmental importance of these public spaces lies in the biodiversity that they harbor, the environmental services that they provide and because they are places of recreation and leisure. Among the biodiversity they harbor, the trees stand out, with species of the original vegetation of the region and other introduced species. Through tours in urban parks, and a documentary investigation, data on the trees that give identity to the city collected and analyzed, identifying the emblematic specimens in the urban parks of the historic center of Xalapa, Veracruz.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dr. Héctor Venancio Narave Flores, Dr. Miguel de Jesús Cházaro Basáñez, María de los Ángeles Chamorro Zárate