Anxiety and bruxism
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Manual Therapy; Anxiety; Bruxism; Occlusal guard;
manual therapy
occlusal guard terapia manual
guarda oclusal

How to Cite

Fuentes Flores, H. O., & Blásquez-Sánchez, S. (2023). Anxiety and bruxism: Application of manual therapy as complementary treatment. UVserva, (15), 114–126.


Bruxism is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint associated with anxiety. For handling, the use of an occlusal guard is indicated. Manual therapy represents a complementary treatment with the potential to reduce symptoms such as pain, level of anxiety and improve quality of life. Prospective clinical trial type study in adult patients diagnosed with bruxism. Population was divided into study group (handling of manual therapy and use of occlusal guard) and control group (use of occlusal guard) following up for 10 sessions. The entire study group decreased temporomandibular joint pain, 28.8% decreased their score to mild and 15% to remission on HARS. Control group had no significant difference in SF-36. Manual therapy combined with the use of an occlusal guard requires positive effects on symptoms associated with bruxism and anxiety.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Hugo Orlando Fuentes Flores, Sergio Blásquez Sánchez