Sistema de semáforos de las economías estatales
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evaluación económica
economía regional
crecimiento económico
semáforos económicos economic evaluation
regional economy
economic growth
economic traffic lights

How to Cite

Barcelata Chávez, H. (2024). Sistema de semáforos de las economías estatales. UVserva, (16), 225–244.


The purpose of this work is to provide a method that allows for the precise and simple explanation of the dynamics of the most relevant economic variables of the federative entities and to analyze, in a comparative manner, the economic performance of the states. This method consists of a system of traffic lights to evaluate and classify economic variables. These traffic lights provide colors that indicate the relative situation of each state: red for "Danger," yellow for "Risk," and green for "Progress" or "Certainty." These traffic lights were applied to variables such as retail and wholesale trade activity, as well as exports, revealing states in adverse or favorable situations. These analyses are essential for understanding regional economic dynamics and promoting more effective development.
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Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público (01 de junio de 2023). ¿Qué es la inversión extranjera directa?

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Hilario Barcelata Chávez