Planning, construction and the maintenance of public spaces, urban infrastructure and facilities, play an important role in urban development and therefore in the municipalities´ governmental agenda. Authorities´ attention to urban public space is evidence if public funds are adequately spent. In this regard, the University Urban Observatory (OUU) annually monitors an indicator called “governmental investment on public space construction and maintenance in the municipality of Xalapa” The main objective is to show the annual percentage of total public funds for public space construction and maintenance. In the measurement of this i0ndicator are included public spaces and facilities for local commerce, recreation, culture, transport, and sports such as libraries, markets, sport areas, green areas, streets, plazas, and parks. For the purpose of this report, firstly the main concepts and the methodology are defined and secondly the results obtained by monitoring the indicator between 2018 and 2020 are shown through statistics and GIS maps.
Observatorio Urbano Universitario [OUU]. (11 de mayo de 2020). Espacio Público. https://www.uv.mx/ouu/files/2019/09/Espacio-publico.pdf
Órgano de fiscalización Superior del Estado de Veracruz. [ORFIS] (1 de junio de 2021). Sistema de consulta de obras y acciones municipales de Veracruz. http://sistemas.orfis.gob.mx/SIMVERP/
H. Ayuntamiento de Xalapa. (22 de junio de 2021a). Información presupuestaria. https://ayuntamiento.xalapa.gob.mx/web/presupuesto-y-contabilidad/informacion-presupuestaria
H. Ayuntamiento de Xalapa. (22 de abril de 2021b) Presupuesto de egresos aprobado. https://ayuntamiento.xalapa.gob.mx/web/presupuesto-y-contabilidad/presupuesto-de-egresos-aprobado
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Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Mauricio Hernández Bonilla