Conciliation between care and academic work at the Universidad Veracruzana
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care work
academic work conciliación
trabajo de cuidados
trabajo académico

How to Cite

Moreno Uribe, V. (2022). Conciliation between care and academic work at the Universidad Veracruzana. UVserva, (13), 78–87.


This document reports on the progress of the investigation into the conditions of possibility for the conciliation between care work and academic work within the Universidad Veracruzana, during the pandemic caused by the SarsCov-2 virus.

The premise that supports it is that substantive equality between women, men and/or non-binary people is compromised if there are no institutional, family and personal conditions that allow reconciliation and redistribution between care work and work related to activities academics within the university.

The exercise is part of an effort by the Observatory of Violence against Women to incorporate the dimension of care in its analysis, since it considers it extremely relevant to understand and problematize the conditions that configure contexts of well-being or, on the contrary, are associated with the generation of inequalities and violence.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Verónica Moreno Uribe