University Urban Observatory
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Public space
urban indicators
urban observatory Espacio público
indicadores urbanos
observatorio urbano

How to Cite

Hernández Bonilla, M. (2023). University Urban Observatory : Monitoring Governmental Investment in Urban Public Space in Xalapa, Veracruz (2021). UVserva, (15), 14–25.


The University Urban Observatory (OUU)  of the Faculty of Architecture at the Universidad Veracruzana has as a main objective to monitor  urban indicators related to the urban dynamics and processes in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz.  In this context  the OUU  annually monitors an indicator called “governmental investment on public space construction and maintenance”. The main objective is to show the annual percentage of total public funds for public space construction and maintenance, as well as to show where and  how  these public funds are invested.  In the measurement of this indicator are included public spaces and facilities for local commerce, recreation, culture, transport, and sports.  In this report,  the results for 2021 are presented, and in this year the public spending  related to the construction, improvement and maintenance of public spaces represented  the 36 per cent of the total public budget of the municipality of Xalapa.
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H. Ayuntamiento de Xalapa. (2021) Presupuesto de egresos aprobado.

H. Ayuntamiento de Xalapa. (2021). Información presupuestaria.

Hernández-Bonilla M. (2021) Monitoreo de la inversión municipal en el espacio público, Xalapa Ver. (2018-2020) UVserva, (12), 4-13.

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Órgano de fiscalización Superior del Estado de Veracruz. [ORFIS] (2021). Sistema de consulta de obras y acciones municipales de Veracruz.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Mauricio Hernández Bonilla