The Delegation of Well-being in the state of Veracruz, committed to the population health and well-being of the program “The School is Ours”, undertook the task of designing a guide that facilitates this aim which complies with the aforementioned article 75 of the General Law of Health Education. Objective: to describe the dietary and nutritional reality of the beneficiary children of the program “The School is Ours”. Methodology: applied, descriptive, qualitative-quantitative, not experimental and transversal research. Results: the focus groups reported malnutrition; most consumed regional foods as boiled beans with nopales, epazote, cilantro and onion, fried pumpkins with shrimp head, pasta soup with cheese, among others; soft drinks considered most consumed beverages; boiled foods the main method of cooking; and insufficient physical activity. Conclusions: malnutrition, overweight and obesity are the main problems of this population; although their breakfast consists of healthy foods, they have a high consumption of ultra-processed foods. Keywords: nutrition, well-being, children.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dra. Issa María Ramírez-González, Dra. Victoria Eugenia Bolado-García, Mtra. Luz Del Carmen Romero-Valdés, Dra. Livia Natalia Zamora-Contreras, Dra. Guadalupe Jacqueline Olalde-Libreros, Lic. Ana María Arcos-García, Dr. José Luis Castillo-Hernández