Fogón de memorias
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narrativas orales
materialidad de la experiencia
arqueología del paisaje
archivos digitales oral narratives
materiality of experience
landscape archaeology
hearth “fogón”
digital archives

How to Cite

Flores-Muñoz, J. (2024). Fogón de memorias: Narrativas orales nahuas, paisaje y ética de la digitalización en la sierra de Zongolica. UVserva, (18), 382–400. Retrieved from


The main objective of this article is to discuss the importance of storing and disseminating oral narratives collected between 2015 and 2024 in Nahua communities, specifically in Mixtla de Altamirano, a municipality located in the Sierra de Zongolica, Veracruz. I will analyse how these narratives can contribute to understanding the material reality of the communities, a concept I have named "materiality of experience" or "materiality of remembering." The purpose of this paper is to generate a debate around the interpretative malleability of the constructed archives, the necessary recognition of the true producers of knowledge, and the social responsibility of building these archives collectively, for the benefit of the communities of knowledge. This involves a reflective exercise of the ethical and political responsibility inherent in working with living history.


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