Physical activity (PA) and sedentarism are behaviors closely related with health. Regular moderate or vigorous PA practice is associated with multiple benefits; on the other hand, low practice levels and sedentary behavior are related with illness development and detriments to life quality. Since physical exercise and sports are two ways of practicing PA, it represents wellness protection opportunities. In university field, students and employees are exposed to factors that limits PA practice and promotes sedentary lifestyles. The aim of this study was to determine sufficient and insufficient PA practice, sedentary lifestyles and physical exercise and sports practice among students and employees of Universidad Veracruzana. It was found that 61.1% of university community met with sufficient PA levels. Men had a higher percentage of PA, as did students compared to employees. Xalapa was the university region with higher PA practices and Coatzacoalcos-Minatitlan was the region with lowest. Sedentarism in university community was 29.3%. There were more reports of practice of physical exercise rather than sports. Like the PA case, men and students had higher practice percents than women and employees respectively.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dr. Sergio Blásquez-Sánchez, Lic. Enrique Rosales-Ronzón, Mtro. Luis Gerardo Cortés-Sosa, Mtra. Dania Merari May-Hernández, Mtro. Óscar José Campos-Segura