The data paper presents preliminary results of the occurrence of anxiety and depression symptoms in the context of the COVID-19 contingency in young adults from Veracruz-México. The data used are part of the study "Anxiety, depression, lifestyles and well-being in the current sociocultural context". At this research the hypothesis was raised in that social confinement due to contingency has increased the presence of anxiety and depression symptoms in this population group. 301 people participated, 76% women, 24% men. Preliminary results show that 77.4% of the participants presented symptoms related to anxiety, while 78.7% reported characteristics related to depression. These results, although they are not generalizable, should be considered as a point of reference for the psychological care strategies that should be offered to the Veracruz population, in terms of mental health care.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Sandra Pedraza-Aguirre, Jorge Luis Arellanez-Hernández, León Felipe Beltrán-Guerra, Enrique Romero-Pedraza