Aridity indices for a coffee agroforestry system
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coffee growing
agroforestry systems aridez
sistemas agroforestales

How to Cite

Parada Molina, P. C., Ortiz Ceballos, G., Cervantes Pérez, J., & Cerdán Cabrera, C. R. (2022). Aridity indices for a coffee agroforestry system. UVserva, (14), 3–8.


In order to generate useful information for the coffee production sector, as part of the activities of the Veracruz Coffee Observatory (OBSERVA-CAFE), the estimation of different indices is made to know the environmental conditions in which coffee cultivation is developed and to help producers make decisions regarding the management practices implemented in their production systems. in this sense, from the determination of aridity indices on a monthly scale using the De Martonne Index, water conditions were evaluated, with data measured in the field, in a coffee agroforestry system; these conditions were compared with the average water conditions, determined by the same index with the average climatic variables (1985-2018) of the Briones station (30452) of the National Meteorological Service (SMN).
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Paulo César Parada Molina, Gustavo Ortiz Ceballos, Juan Cervantes Pérez, Carlos Roberto Cerdán Cabrera