Urban analysis of public green space in the city of Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico
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Green Areas
Healthy Spaces
Public Spaces Áreas Verdes
Espacios Saludables
Espacios Públicos

How to Cite

Morgado-Bustos , J. R. ., Conguillo Palomares , C. Y., Ramírez-Julián , J. J., Palacios Reyes, I. E., Benítez-Malagón , E., Gómez Escoto, D. A., & Hernández García , G. I. (2022). Urban analysis of public green space in the city of Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico. UVserva, (14), 21–33. https://doi.org/10.25009/uvs.vi14.2892


This article demonstrates an urban analysis of public spaces and green areas in the city of Córdoba Veracruz Mexico, with the purpose to identify the present indicators in clean and healthy spaces such as in Parks, green areas, fields and sports fields in relation to the number of its inhabitants and urban environment according to their location. Public open space is essential for the development of physical activities, its environmental and psychological effects on its inhabitants. The purpose of carrying out this research is to see the total number of green areas and public spaces accounted for so the city can determine the state in which these areas are and determine what to do with them, of course considering the parameters established by international organizations such as the WHO (World Health Organization) and the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda (United Nations Organization). As a result of this investigation, the condition in which the public open spaces that exit in the city which were visited and inspected in a field check and with photos was determined by compiling data from indicators on: the deterioration, use and activities, their  location, the condition of the furniture, the condition of the facilities, the level of users, in these areas , gardens, type of flora, fauna, recreational and sports areas, areas where children play, among others.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 José René Morgado Bustos , Clara Yanet Conguillo Palomares , José Juan Ramírez Julián , Irma Elisa Palacios Reyes, Erika Benítez Malagón , Daniel Alejandro Gómez Escoto , Gerardo Ignacio Hernández García