Tobacco, alcohol and drug illicit use during the COVID-19 contingency in Veracruz adults from 2020 to 2022
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COVID-19 Estilos de vida
consumo de sustancias

How to Cite

Beltrán-Guerra, L. F., Arellanez-Hernández, J. L., Morales-García, A. M. ., Ortega-Galarza, M. ., & García-Méndez, A. . (2024). Tobacco, alcohol and drug illicit use during the COVID-19 contingency in Veracruz adults from 2020 to 2022. UVserva, (17), 67–77.


Derived from the study “Anxiety, depression, lifestyles and well-being in the current sociocultural context”, with the objective of describing the ways in which the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs occurred in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in the period from 2020 to 2022. With a sample of 2,397 participants, the data describing the use of psychoactive substances at different times of social confinement is presented longitudinally. The identified differences may be related to individuals' coping mechanisms and adaptations during the pandemic. While the study doesn't allow for generalizing the data due to its characteristics, it is possible to identify modifications in consumption patterns as part of lifestyles, visible even after the confinement. Some consumption practices, seen as elements of lifestyles, have been altered and perhaps somehow “normalized”. However, this condition is not necessarily favorable for health (physical, mental, and social). Hence, the importance of studying it to generate proposals that impact wellbeing.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 León Felipe Beltrán-Guerra, Jorge Luis Arellanez-Hernández, Arleth Michell Morales-García, Melissa Ortega-Galarza, Angélica García-Méndez