No. 15 (2023): abril-septiembre 2023
abril-septiembre 2023
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Juan Ortiz Escamilla
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Artículos científicos

Rafael Nava Vite, Yoltzi Nava Hernández
Ixtlamatilistli wan tepahtilistli ipan Ixhuatlán tlen Madero, Veracruz
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Dra. Katrin Sieron , Julio César González-Hernández, José Serrano Ortiz, Pamela Bibiana Márquez-Arellano, Blake Weissling, Francisco Córdoba-Montiel, Rafael Torres Orozco
Geophysical study of underground cavities near the Cueva de la Orquídea Park, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico
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Laura Elena Román
Cultural trajectories: cultural practices and consumption of university students. A pending task.: Prácticas y consumos culturales de los estudiantes universitarios. Una tarea pendiente
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Jesús Norberto Reyes-Narváez, María del Socorro Aguilar-Cucurachi, Nancy Domínguez-González, Salvador Guzmán-Guzmán, Miguel de Jesús Cházaro-Basáñez
Community perspectives: Conservation through nature tourism in Tatatila, Veracruz, Mexico
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Hugo Orlando Fuentes Flores, Sergio Blásquez-Sánchez
Anxiety and bruxism: Application of manual therapy as complementary treatment
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Socorro Menchaca Dávila, Alitzel Calva Maldonado, Glen Dean Jiménez Windsor, Sergio Francisco Juárez-Cerrillo
Assessment of the rational use of domestic water in the community of Zoncuantla, Coatepec, Veracruz, Mexico
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Ana Cristina Duran Santiago, María del Carmen Santes-Bastián, Nazaria Martínez-Díaz
Lifestyle and its relationship with obesity, overweight in adults
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Mauricio F. Mendoza González
Maternal Mortality in Mexico; Critical epidemiological analysis, beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic: Análisis epidemiológico crítico
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Arturo Jimenez Palacios, Rabindranarth Romero-López
Evaluacion ambiental de los servicios hidro-ambientales en el bosque de niebla (la cascada de La Granada) en el municipio de Coatepec: A recreational value of “La Granada” waterfall in the municipality of Coatepec using the travel cost method
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Sergio Ignacio Parra Salmerón
Networking capital as a tool for competitiveness in companies.
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Damián Xotlanihua
Between coffee landscapes and tradition: The participation of a nahua society in the preservation of biocultural heritage
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