Sustainable Agriculture as a Social Imperative

Palabras clave

bienestar social
desarrollo sostenible
soberanía alimentaria agroecology
social welfare
sustainable development
food sovereignty

Cómo citar

Ricaño Rodríguez, J. (2024). Sustainable Agriculture as a Social Imperative: A Comprehensive Analysis of its Impact and Strategic Approaches to Enhancing Planetary Health. UVserva, (18), 336–358. Recuperado a partir de


This study scrutinized the paramount role of social responsibility in promoting sustainable agriculture, emphasizing the importance of this interrelationship for the planet ’s future. In a context in which rapid demographic growth presents one of the most significant challenges to sustainable food production, agroecology emerges as an indispensable factor that is closely linked with social progress. An in-depth exploration of the complex structure of modern food systems highlights the pressing need for integrated and holistic strategies to address these challenges. Building on this argument, strategic and coherent decision making is proposed as a critical component of our globalized society. Against this backdrop, we observed a vigorous resurgence of interest in organic and biodynamic agriculture, indicating a shift toward more environmentally harmonious and long-term sustainable practices. In conclusion, the discourse delves into a discussion of the concept of responsible agricultural intensification, viewing it through the lens of regenerative agriculture. This brief reflection underlines its predominant importance in shaping a future in which sustainable agriculture is not just an ideal but a firmly established reality.



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