The morning conferences and media monitoring
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Andrade, C. P., Flores González, R., & Pablo Contreras, M. (2021). The morning conferences and media monitoring. UVserva, (12), 153–168.


The broadcasting of the morning conferences led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has received significant media coverage, despite the denigration to which the press has been subjected. With the objective of identifying the media behavior of the contents that were broadcasted about the morning conferences in digital press in Mexico (Excélsior, Milenio, La Jornada, El Universal, Aristegui Noticias and Animal Político), the news broadcasted by these informative sites during 22 working days comprised from June 20 to July 20, 2019 were monitored. The results present trends of 1,512 news items, their topics and the features of some headlines. The discussion questions that the populist discourse of the President is an input for the press, because when reporting on it "spectacularizes" the information generating a greater audience, superficial or amateur, a social attitude that puts our democracy at risk.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Carmen Patricia Andrade, Rubén Flores González, Mariangel Pablo Contreras