The OUAES Architectural Urban Observatory of Healthy Environments presents data and results of the measurement and monitoring of category C indicators corresponding to the extensive IE indicators that monitored in the Metropolitan area of Córdoba ZMC and Metropolitan area of Orizaba ZMO. The quantitative data that consulted in this document are those obtained and correlated during the period from January 2018 to December 2023. They show the trend and behavior of the urban architectural phenomenon manifested by the environments of healthy and unhealthy cities in relation to extensive indicators. Monitoring has helped define a representative cartography of the phenomenon; through an estimated assessment in which the basic geographic areas of the city can be identified with a certain level and color that visualizes in a real approximation the premise of healthy or unhealthy space; according to each of the extensive indicators corresponding to: infrastructure, urban image, spatial perception, public space, roads, urban equipment, green areas, housing, universal accessibility, access systems, urban layout, territory, urban furniture.
Keywords: Healthy environments, sustainable cities, extensive indicators, SDG 2030, urban resilience.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dra. Irma Elisa Palacios-Reyes, Mtro. Gerardo Ignacio Hernández García, Dra. Arq. Erika Benítez Malagón, Mtro. Arq. José Rene Morgado Bustos