The results obtained are part of the study "Anxiety, depression, lifestyles and well-being in the current sociocultural context" developed in 2021, specifically in the Lifestyles variable. The research is based on the premise that confinement and social distancing strategies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in changes in the healthy lifestyles of the population group studied. Two information surveys were applied in the year, the first with 658 participants (34.2% women and 65.8% men), the second with 751 persons (35.9% women and 64.1% men. The results show that most of the areas of healthy lifestyles decrease in the second application. Although the data obtained do not allow generalization, they can be considered as a reference for the development of management strategies for healthy lifestyles and thereby influence well-being levels.
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Copyright (c) 2022 León Felipe Beltrán-Guerra, Jorge Luis Arellanez-Hernández