Public Policies on Security, Restoration of the Due Process
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National Security
Public Security
Due Process Seguridad Nacional
Seguridad Pública
Debido Proceso.

How to Cite

Pérez Alejandre, F. F. D. J. (2024). Public Policies on Security, Restoration of the Due Process: Between 2009 and 2018. UVserva, (18), 201–222. Retrieved from


On the Public Policy of National Security in Mexico, in addition to the secrecy around this issue, and the lack of a legal definition of National Security until 2004; The problem that was shown recurrently was the one referring to the violation of human rights by the Mexican government to the governed, using National Security as a pretext in many cases. National Security, which was applied to solve problems that at some point were Public Security, such as drug trafficking, guerrillas, arms trafficking and organized crime, what, given its characteristics and size; and the lack of capacity of the police forces to deal with these antagonisms, it was necessary the intervention of the armed forces (army, air force and navy of Mexico), as bodies and institutions that are the last barrier to protect the integrity of the State.

The fight against violence and lack of freedom; also the protection of Human Rights; they must be permanent tasks throughout the world, for this reason, freedom cannot be taken for granted. For this reason, the Public Policies of National Security and Public Security must have a harmonious relationship with Human Rights such as Due Process.

Preserving freedom and national security are at the same time tasks of the State, which are carried out both by governments and by society in general.

To get an idea of the above, this article presents the case of the 4 civilians from Rosarito, developed in 2009, to reflect the case of Mexico and Baja California where there are experiences in this field, in which it is developed many times. a clash between the public policies of National Security and those of Human Rights, such as due process.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Francisco Felipe De Jesus Pérez Alejandre