No. 14 (2022): octubre 2022-marzo 2023
octubre 2022-marzo 2023
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José Othón Flores-Consejo
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Paulo César Parada Molina, Gustavo Ortiz Ceballos, Juan Cervantes Pérez, Carlos Roberto Cerdán Cabrera
Aridity indices for a coffee agroforestry system
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Socorro Menchaca Dávila, Alitzel Calva-Maldonado, Glean Jiménez-Windsor, Sergio Francisco Juárez-Cerrillo
Water availability of the "Ojo de Agua" spring located in the microwatershed of the Pixquiac river, Veracruz, Mexico
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José René Morgado-Bustos , Clara Yanet Conguillo Palomares , José Juan Ramírez-Julián , Irma Elisa Palacios Reyes, Erika Benítez-Malagón , Daniel Alejandro Gómez Escoto, Gerardo Ignacio Hernández García
Urban analysis of public green space in the city of Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico
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Jorge Luis Arellanez-Hernández , León Felipe Beltrán-Guerra, Erika Cortés-Flores, Maisy Samai Vázquez-Sánchez
Symptoms of anxiety and depression in young adults from Veracruz in the context of the COVID-19 contingency: Data for the First and Second Half of 2021
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Livia Natalia Zamora Contreras, Edith Yolanda Romero Hernández, Krystal Dennicé González-Fajardo
Food and Nutritional Security Observatory: Incorporation and analysis of indicators for monitoring the SDGs in the state of Veracruz
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Silvano Ulices Que Salinas, Katrin Sieron, Francisco Córdoba Montiel, Rafael Torres-Orozco , Sergio Francisco Juárez Cerrillo, Óscar Castro-Artola, Raúl Arámbula
Preparing a more systematic monitoring of the Pico de Orizaba volcano using modern tools of neural networks and Artificial Intelligence
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Rocío López Lara, Rubén Flores González
System of Indicators of the Gender Equality Observatory of the Veracruzana University OIGUV
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Francisco Domingo Vázquez Martínez, María de Lourdes Mota-Morales, Scarlett Sosa-Alvarado
Sesenta años de internado médico en México
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Harmida Rubio-Gutiérrez, Paola Mercedes Montes Hernández
Methodological reflections and updating of cartographic monitoring of violence against women
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Artículos científicos

Ma Guadalupe Noemi Uehara Guerrero, Juan Andres Sanchez García, Arturo Velazquez Ruiz
Self-production of formal housing in the urban dynamics of Xalapa, Veracruz (2017-2021)
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Bingyu Zhu
Marxism in Spain (1870-1975): An Approach to its Introduction, diffusion and censorship
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Héctor Venancio Narave Flores, Miguel de Jesús Cházaro-Basáñez, María de los Ángeles Chamorro Zárate
Trees in Urban Parks in the Historic Center of Xalapa: Identity of the City
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Guadalupe Camarillo Guzmán, Carlos Flores-Pérez , Sandra Vázquez-Hernández , Luis Antonio Botello-Mendoza , Gloria López-Mora , Blanca Estela Totomol Yoval
Adherence to treatment in women with cancer from the "Health Beliefs Model"
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Harmida Rubio-Gutiérrez
Equitable city? : Veracruz urban legislation and women in the city
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Magali Huerta-Reyes, Tania Guadalupe Lara Murillo, Santiago Castineyra-Mendoza
Anxiety levels in primary school children with and without separated parents
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Rafael Nava Vite, Juana Santes Gómez, María Isabel Mirenda Landa
Strengthening of Nahuatl in the Casa del Niño Indígena at Atlahuilco, Veracruz, México: A linked research experience
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