No. 12 (2021): octubre 2021-marzo
octubre 2021-marzo
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José Othón Flores-Consejo
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Mauricio Hernández Bonilla, Gabriela Lizbeth Domínguez Chiquito
Monitoring governmental investment in urban public space by the municipality of Xalapa, Veracruz between 2018 and 2020
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Sandra Pedraza-Aguirre, Jorge Luis Arellanez-Hernández, León Felipe Beltrán-Guerra, Enrique Romero-Pedraza
Data on the occurrence of anxiety and depression symptoms in the context of the contingency due to COVID-19 in young-adults from Veracruz, Mexico
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Paulo César Parada Molina, Carlos Roberto Cerdán Cabrera, Gustavo Celestino Ortiz Ceballos
Microclimatic conditions in two coffee production systems
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Alberto García-Leyva
OBSERVES indicators; Basic Nominal Subtraction and Domestic Water Salary Proportion. January- August 2021.: Enero-agosto 2021
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Francisco Domingo Vázquez-Martínez, Dellanira Ruiz de Chávez-Ramírez, Luis Alberto Zepeda-Vergara
The right to education of medicine students in the medical units of Mexico
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Marilú Villalobos López, Mayté Pérez-Vences, Regina Dajer-Torres, Lilia Esther Guerrero-Rodríguez
Monitoring of the University Student Before the Virtual Modality: Vulnerabilities Observed
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Katrin Sieron , Blake Weissling , Román Gutiérrez-Anguiano , Julio César González-Hernández , Cristián Martínez-Báez , Edwin Ulices Monfil-León , Francisco Córdoba Montiel
Geophysics at the roof of Mexico
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Mtra. Azminda Meybelli Román Nieto, Omar Melo Martínez
Historical trajectories of museums in Veracruz: opening, closing and reopening: apertura, cierre y reaperturas
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Socorro Menchaca Dávila, Victoria Ulloa Gutiérrez, Joaquín Jiménez Huerta
Methodology to measure the availability of water, uses and factors of variation of the water resource in rivers
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David Salas Monreal, Gabriela Athie, Mayra Lorena Riverón Enzástiga
Importance of long-term hydrographic monitoring
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Artículos científicos

Lilly Areli Sánchez Correa, Arturo Velázquez Ruiz, Ma Guadalupe Noemi Uehara Guerrero
Criticism of the registration of new urban incorporations
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Isys Lilian López Hermida, Jairo Emmanuel Martínez García, Raúl Antonio Díaz Vega, Gabriela Blasco López
Development of a new food product based on Gasparito (Erythrina americana Miller)
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Mauricio Fidel Mendoza González
Vulnerability populations and vulnerable people in the era of COVID-19 in México: a perspective on collective health for Mexico
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Andrea León Castillo, José Reyes Barradas Viveros, Alicia Martínez Flores, María Matilde Ortega Labourdet
Comparison of the pain threshold between two palatine anesthetic techniques: direct palatine and indirect palatine
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Carmen Patricia Andrade, Rubén Flores González, Mariangel Pablo Contreras
The morning conferences and media monitoring
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Miguel Hazael Russell Hernández, Michelle Rustrián Campillo, Maria Gabriela Nachón-García
Self-report models for detection of periodontal diseases: Systematic review
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Vanessa Bozas Gómez, José Luis Sánchez Leyva, Jimena Guadalupe Domínguez Márquez, Zurisadai Quezada García, Jessica Valencia Ugarte
Organizational communication in companies in the south of Veracruz in times of COVID-19
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Arturo Miguel Chípuli-Castillo, Karina Nohemí Martínez Meza
Human rights approach, guarantee and public policies: concepts and theory
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Socorro Menchaca Dávila, Victoria Ulloa Gutiérrez
Problems on the availability of water in the dry season of the Pixquiac river, Veracruz
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